PRIN 2022

Il programma PRIN (Progetti di ricerca di Rilevante Interesse Nazionale, bando 104 del 02-02-2022) è destinato al finanziamento di progetti di ricerca pubblica, al fine di promuovere il sistema nazionale della ricerca, di rafforzare le interazioni tra università ed enti di ricerca in linea con gli obiettivi tracciati dal Piano Nazionale di Ripresa e Resilienza (PNRR) e favorire la partecipazione italiana alle iniziative relative al Programma Quadro di ricerca e innovazione dell’Unione Europea.

I progetti approvati per INAF all’interno del bando 104 del 02-02-2022 sono:

(20228B938N) Mass and selection biases of galaxy clusters: a multi-probe approachANDREON, Stefano
20224MNC5A (Life, death and after-death of massive stars: reconstructing the path from the pre-supernova evolution to the supernova remnant)ORLANDO, Salvatore
20225E4SY5 (From ProtoClusters to Clusters in one Gyr: the swift ripening of the most massive structures of the Universe)TOZZI, Paolo
20227RNLY3 (The concordance cosmological model: stress-tests with galaxy clusters)ETTORI, STEFANO
2022935STW (Black hole formation mechanisms and their impact on high-redshift quasar host properties: combining theory and observations)DECARLI, Roberto
20229R43BH (The Demographics of Massive Planetary and Brown Dwarf Companions with Gaia DR3)SOZZETTI, Alessandro
20229YBSAN (Globular clusters in cosmological simulations and in lensed fields: from their birth to the present epoch)CALURA, Francesco
2022AYFS7F (Development of quasi-optical components based on metamaterials for novel cm- to mm-wave astronomical observations)OLMI, Luca
2022BCBT29 (Optimal inference from radio images of the Cosmic Dawn)BERNARDI, GIANNI
2022C9TNNX (Virtual and real observations of high-energy astrophysical sources in the exa-scale era)TAVECCHIO, Fabrizio
2022K9N5B4 (Advanced X-ray modeling of black hole winds)TORRESI, ELEONORA
2022LWPEXW (An X-ray view of compact objects in polarized light)FABIANI, Sergio
2022M5TKR2 (Modelling Interplanetary Coronal Mass Ejections)CONSOLINI, Giuseppe
2022MMEB9W (Understanding the formation of globular clusters with their multiple stellar generations)MARINO, Anna
2022NY2ZRS (Optimizing the extraction of cosmological information from Large Scale Structure analysis in view of the next large spectroscopic surveys)GRANETT, Benjamin Rudolph
2022PM4JLH (Know your little neighbours: characterizing low-mass stars and planets in the Solar neighbourhood)MALDONADO PRADO, Jesus
2022TJW4EJ (Unveiling the footprints of the cosmic ray journey through the Galaxy and beyond)AMATO, Elena
2022WKPF2W (Experimental and computational analog studies to support identification of organics on Mars by the NASA Mars 2020 Perseverance rover)FORNARO, Teresa
2022WWRZZP (Neutron spectroscopy with GAGG scintillating crystals)MOLINARIO, Andrea
2022YAPMJH (Dissecting super-massive black holes in space and time with the Event Horizon Telescope and ALMA)LIUZZO, Elisabetta Teodorina
AGN-sCAN (zooming-in on the AGN-galaxy connection since the cosmic noon)DELVECCHIO, Ivan
ARES (Assessing the origin and stability of Martian subglacial waters)OROSEI, Roberto
BIG-z (Building the Giants: accretion, feedback and assembly in z>6 quasars)FIORE, Fabrizio
BROWSEPOL (Beyond standaRd mOdel With coSmic microwavE background POLarization)GRUPPUSO, ALESSANDRO
Achine Learning and optImization for Planetary remote Sensing missiOns)OROSEI, Roberto
Chemical Origins (linking the fossil composition of the Solar System with the chemistry of protoplanetary disks)PODIO, Linda
CHRONOS (adjusting the clock(s) to unveil the CHRONO-chemo-dynamical Structure of the Galaxy)CASSISI, Santi
Cosmic Dust II (Cosmochemistry and Space Tweezers Technologies for Solar System Science and Exploration)BRUCATO, John Robert
COSMIC-POT (new challenges in the nucleosynthesis of the heavy elements- Observations, Models and innovative Instrumentation)MAGRINI, Laura
EFEBHO (Early Formation and Evolution of Bulge and HalO)MARCONI, Marcella
EMC2 (Euclid Mission Cluster Cosmology: unlock the full cosmological utility of the Euclid photometric cluster catalog)MUNARI, Emiliano
EMERGE (Neutron star mergers and the origin of short gamma-ray bursts)CIOLFI, RICCARDO
Exo-CASH (Exo-planetary Cloudy Atmospheres and Stellar High energy)MICELA, Giuseppina
EXPLORA (Exoplanet Spectroscopy at high resolution to Probe their Lost Origins by Revealing their Atmospheric compositions)BONOMO, ALDO STEFANO
EXSKALIBUR (Euclid-Cross-SKA: Likelihood Inference Building for Universe’s)CARBONE, Carmelita
FLAGS (First Light And Galaxy aSsembly)PENTERICCI, Laura
GRAPE (General Relativistic Astrometry and Pulsar Experiment)CROSTA, Mariateresa
GUVIRP (Gravity tests in the UltraViolet and InfraRed with Pulsar timing)PERRODIN, Delphine
INSIGHT (Unveiling ionized gas properties in galaxies with JWST)VULCANI, Benedetta
LaScaLa (Large Scale Lab)FUMANA, Marco
LEGO (Reconstructing the building blocks of the Galaxy by chemical tagging)BELLAZZINI, Michele
MiTheMaS (Microwave Theranostics enhanced by Magnetic Scaffolds in the follow up of bone healing)SCHIRRU, Luca
NIR-Astrocomb (Near-Infra-Red Astrocomb for Earth-like exoplanet detections)COSENTINO, Rosario
PATH (The path to star and planet formation in the JWST era)CARATTI O GARATTI, ALESSIO
PEACE (Particle Emission and Acceleration in the most powerful Cosmic Explosions)NAVA, Lara
OPS (Probing the Origin of Planetary Systems)D’ORAZI, VALENTINA
PROMETEUS (PRObing the METallicity Evolution of the Universe with Spectroscopy)MANNUCCI, Filippo
SEAWIND (Super-Eddington Accretion: Wind, INflow and Disk)PINTO, CIRO
SUNRISE (Exploring the extreme universe: a preview of the galaxy Structure to be Unveiled from the Next geneRatIon aStronomical survEys)IODICE, ENRICHETTA
URKA (Understanding R-process & Kilonovae Aspects)CRISTALLO, Sergio
Women measuring stars (a comprehensive strategy for the exploitation of adaptive optics data)SCHREIBER, LAURA
μ-SAND (μthermogravimeter-in Situ dust ANalyser and particles size Discriminator)PALOMBA, Ernesto

Last update

18 April 2024, 14:40